8 Tricks - How to save battery on smartphones | Save battery on Android.

Dead battery or Low battery is a very common problem faced by any kind of mobile device users. Saving battery has turned in to a big issue as it has directly combined with wide screen smartphones such as AMOLED or LCD or with the latest SUPER AMOLED or Super LCD, these recent devices are real battery eaters. This guide is a basic explanation for you to save battery on smartphones.

However still we have several important tricks which will help you to save and optimize your phone’s battery life. We hope that below tips will be really helpful for you to keep your device’s battery long last.

How battery works.

Simply, battery is a developed device which can store energy in the form of charge and allows us to draw it back as a current on need. When we are looking at smart device batteries, in the recent most of them are developed using lithium cells. Various users get used to charge their phones in different kind of ways, like some users tend to charge the device when it’s fully drained while others used to charge when it is half drained etc.

But we would like to prefer you to recharge your device partially than recharging it whole way from the zero level. There would be many reasons to disagree for what we would suggest you to do. So it's good for you to choose the most suitable method to keep the battery life at the optimum level as your wish.

These days many of the smart device manufacturers in leading market have introduced non removable batteries for their latest devices which will holds a battery capacity around 3000mAh and still it should be enhanced to keep working your frequently used gaming apps like Clash of Clans which is highly battery consumable. You may find some important and useful tips on “how to save battery on smartphones”. Follow the below trick to get the maximum from your smartphones.

8.Wallpaper and Screen-savers.

Whatever the Android device you are using it has to power-up this big screen. It will be a real battery drainer. If you own a device with AMOLED display (commonly founded in the Samsung S series such as Galaxy S7) we would like to advise you to use a dark or black color wallpaper which would be very helpful in saving the battery life. AMOLED’s are consist of LEDs which will lit up with respect to color pixels and when the dark or black pixels are showing up on the screen they LED’s will not light up. So when they do not not light up they will not require an additional energy to keep them in response and battery energy can be saved easily. Beware of using live screensavers, they may consume more energy to display graphics from your battery when it is in action.

7.Turn off Google Hot words

Most of the android devices have the “Ok Google voice searching” on the home screen which is a really useful and magnificent service to have but it will cause many confusions to your battery either it is in use or not.

So we prefer you to switch off this option to save your battery. Go to Google settings on your device and choose voice heading. Then select “Ok Google detection”. It’s good if you can un-tick all of the options but it should be done in order to your necessity.

6.Keep Apps updated

It's really important to confirm whether your apps are up to date. The apps that we are frequently using, should be updated to keep them in-line with functioning or at an optimized level of battery and memory capacity. When we are using older apps, it will consume both your battery as well as you RAM capacity.

Once you are up to date with latest app update it is better if you can see whether they are configured to enhance the battery consumption. Go to the settings menu and select Battery. Press three dots on top right corner and navigate to “battery optimization” and check whether the battery optimization is correct or not.

Also it is better if you can uninstall older apps if you are not using them as they also consume more battery as well as RAM.

5.Prevent Using Auto brightness

As per the above discussion, battery life got a lot to deal with Display of the device. When considering the screen auto brightness settings feature that comes along with your device fixes it brighter and more comfortable for your eyes, but we would like to recommend you to set the level of the brightness settings manually as it would be really helpful when thinking about saving your battery life. You can change “Auto brightness” via Quick settings menu. Go to quick settings menu and if the option for brightness named as Auto is enabled press on it to disable the feature. This method would be different between several mobile brans, but according to the device model and brand you would be able to adjust the brightness settings manually. Try different brightness levels and find out the optimum level for your device for day time and night time to acquire best results.

4.Turn off Vibrate and Haptic feedback

Enabling vibration mode for incoming calls and other notifications (MMS, SMS, Alarms and other app notifications) or feedbacks will be a big wastage of energy from your battery, also the haptic feedback notifications with tiny vibrations which will happen when tapping and typing on the device are also energy consumables of the battery. So make sure that you have disabled those settings to obtain an optimum battery life.

3.Customize Sleep schedules and avoid being always connected. 

Please confirm that Wi- fi, GPS and Mobile data services are disabled when you are not using them. It is better if you can keep your device connected to all of the above options within 24 hours so it will make it easy to get update notifications and get updated but it won’t be a good thing when considering the battery life. Make sure that both Wi Fi and mobile data are not enabled at the same time. Also check whether you have disabled Bluetooth and NFC if they are not in use as they also consume some amount from battery power.

Other than the above methods we suggest you to enable airplane mode when you are sleeping or fix time limits to switch between airplane mode and normal mode between predefined time intervals of day.

2.Use battery saving apps and features on your phone

Your phone can be configured to different pre-customized methods to save battery life and also you are allowed to download some apps to save you battery and further customization. In different smartphone brands you may identify various power saving options called STAMINA mode, Ultra Power Saving, Extreme Power Saving and etc.

Even if you do not use any enhanced power saving methods or developed options at least your phone will have the system configured battery saver mode to optimize the battery life. With the arrival of Marshmallow a new feature called Doze was brought out which will assist you to save battery power. When the device is not in operations for a long time it will bring the device in to the hibernate mode which will make your device in to a sleep. It will only consume more than 5 percent from your battery to keep it over a night and avoid the loss of 25 percent from the total battery level.

Other than these options and features we also prefer you to install apps such as Greenify, which will help to increase your battery life and optimize the performance of the device.

1.Prevent from Widgets

You will have the options to place many widgets from different kind of apps such as Twitter, calendar, weather, internet, Clock, Music etc. If you want to remove these unwanted stuff and widgets which are drawing energy from your battery unnecessarily, just long press on home screen and drag the widget or app icon to the trash bins. This method would be different from brand to brand.

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